
Country Profile
Flag of Israel
Continent:Asia / Middle East
Government URL:http://www.knesset.gov.il
Area:20770 sq km
Population:6,352,117 (CIA World Factbook est as of 2006)
Population:6846.841 (United Nations est as of 2006, in thousands)
Population Men:3388.717
Population Women:3458.124
Annual Growth Rate:2.001 %
Birth Rate:17.97 %
Death Rate:6.18 %
Life Expectancy:79.46 years
Infant Mortality Rate:6.89 %
Fertility Rate:2.41 %
HIV AIDS Adult Prev Rate:0.1 %
HIV AIDS Living With:3,000
HIV AIDS Deaths:100
Labor Force:2,600,000
Unemployment Rate:8.5 %
GDP Per Capita:$26,200
GDP Purchasing Power:$166,300,000,000
GDP Real Growth:4.8
Industrial Growth:4.7
Inflation Rate CP:1.9 %
Investment Gross Fixed:17.3
Public Debt:91
Capital Population:695500
Capital Coordinates:32 05 N, 34 48 E
UTC Offset:2
Washington D.C. UTC Offset Note:7 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time:+1hr, begins last Friday in March; ends the Sunday between the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
Merchant Marine:18 (total ships 1,000 GRT or over)
Roadways:17446 km
Railways:853 km
Airports:53 (total paved or unpaved)
Internet Users:3700000
Internet Hosts:1251881
Telephones Mobile:7,757,000
Telephones Main:2936300
Debt External:$81,980,000,000
Foreign Exchange Reserves:$28,200,000,000
Current Account Balance:$1,463,000,000
Natural Gas Reserves:38,940,000,000
Natural Gas Imports:0
Natural Gas Exports:0
Natural Gas Consumption:780,000,000
Natural Gas Production:780,000,000
Electricity Consumption:41,380,000,000
Electricity Production:46,070,000,000
Oil Consumption:248,000
Oil Production:3,209
Oil Reserves:1,920,000

 Map of Israel
Map of Israel


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